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Have you written a novel and are wondering what to do next? 
So far, writing has been defined to you as a solo art, one to be accomplished in a private café corner or from the safety of your own living room. But the numerous options for your book now open before you like a never-ending wormhole of possibilities: self-publishing; agent or no agent; trade bookstores; indie presses; e-book, paperback, hardcover.

All of these, you can accomplish on your own. The research is right at your fingertips. However, even the best writer can’t edit their own work without bias. That comma splice you feel flows so well? The repetition of the word “that” you think no one will notice? The differences between further/farther, then/than, or affect/effect you assumed you knew for certain? Need some help with character development or insight on plot structure? Wondering about the strengths and weaknesses of your prose? How confident are you about grammar and spelling? You might see perfection where the reader sees loose threads. 

That’s where I come in. Having an editor comb through your writing for errors and consistency is imperative to a successful work. Outside eyes can catch any grammar slips, factual discrepancies, and plot holes. I aim to give crafting advice that will build a stronger manuscript as well as assist each writer in future projects. You don't just learn how to strengthen this manuscript; you learn to strengthen all your manuscripts.

I can be reached through my Contact Form below.

Take a look around the site to get to know me a bit more and see what services I offer. If you have any questions, see my FAQ page!



  • ​Literary Agent for Belcastro Literary Agency

  • Content Editor for Eschler Editing

  • Former Conference Assistant at GrubStreet, Boston 

  • Revise & Resub (#RevPit) Contributing Editor and one of the contest founding members

  • Graduate of Emerson College: BA in Writing, Literature, & Publishing

  • Former copyeditor for academic publisher codeMantra

  • Former YA editor for Accent Press​


Editing Services



What do I specialize in?

Upper Middle Grade, Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult. My specialties are Contemporary, Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal, and Historical. Be sure to check with me to see if we're an editing match! I'm currently not a good fit for graphic horror, strict literary work, thriller/suspense, and memoir. Copyediting/proofreading services are only open to projects that have already received a Manuscript Critique or Dev Edit from me. Nonfiction pages (I do not assist with nonfiction proposals or sub material) are eligible for copyediting as well.

What are the submission guidelines?

  • Queries - 1 page single spaced.

  • Synopses - 4 pages double spaced max.

    • I will help edit/condense

  • Sample pages must begin with the first page of your manuscript, unless otherwise agreed upon.

  • Times New Roman 12pt. font, double spaced, 1-inch margins only.

  • Feel free to remove title pages, table of contents, images, etc.​

  • I edit through Google Docs, so all submissions should be given in that format/with the link provided

What do you need from me before an edit?

For full manuscript edits, I require the query, synopsis, and first 50 pages before agreeing to take on a project. This way, I can determine if A) the manuscript is ready for professional editing or B) the difficulty of the edit, which will then determine if any change to the common rate is necessary.

When is my manuscript ready for a professional editor?

  • Have multiple beta readers/drafts completed before hiring an editor

  • Try to have your manuscript proofread beforehand

  • Never send a first draft or manuscript in beginning stages

Editors teach you editing/writing styles to help grow your craft, but also to ready for querying/publishing. This means a completed manuscript, sent to at least one round of beta readers/critique partners, and then having completed subsequent edits from their feedback.

I suggest you do not hire an editor before these steps are taken, or you may end up spending more money for multiple edits giving feedback/changes beta readers and self editing would already have lead you through.

How long does an edit take?

With full length edits, I often take around 2 weeks, depending on difficulty of edits. Proofreading often takes longer and is determined based on word count and time available. Submission Packages and below are done on the day of the appointment.


​All edits and communication are through email, unless the writer purchases a separate video/phone chat for further discussion, and I send the invoice once we agree on a date—to be paid in full before the appointment takes place.

Do you require a contract?

Yes, for any project over $50, I will send the author a contract to look over and sign. This is to protect myself as well as the author for any discrepancies or issues that may arise during the project's completion.

How do I pay?

I utilize PayPal for all projects. Once contract is signed, I will send the PayPal invoice with due date details, as agreed upon between myself and the writer. If necessary, Venmo can be used as well.

Will you suggest agents for me to query?

Unfortunately, I cannot promise this. Despite being an agent myself, that does not mean I can be certain of the perfect match for you.

Can I query you after the edit?

No. For any work I've been paid to edit, I cannot accept that same work as an agent. This is for ethical purposes, as no agent should charge you for editing on a work they intend to represent. You are free, however, to query me with a separate work I have not been paid for.

Published Titles

"Kaitlyn is a writer’s dream editor. Whether it’s copyediting or giving developmental notes, she’s sharp, efficient, and extremely concise with her recommendations. As a first time published author, I feel lucky to have Kaitlyn in my corner. She has helped guide, shape, and push my writing to be the best it can be!"

E.J. Schwartz, author of Before We Were Blue

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